Willow Tree - The Quilt


SKU: 638713063403

Sleep my child and peace... peace... Covered in love and keep... keep...

A gift to celebrate new beginnings, new babies, new families… and the loving relationships that develop between parent and child, grandparent and child…

“I was thinking about metaphors of quilts. A lot about protection. A quilt makes us feel safe and warm. The rows of even stitching showing the passing of time, a meditative rhythm - like quieting and rocking a child. It takes time and patience. I wanted the quilt and the rocking to be one. The sentiment reveals this rhythm also - lullabies don’t have to make literal sense ... but the cadence of the words is lyrical and soothing. The warmth and coziness of a sleeping child - the tender connection - these quiet memories exist in anyone who has ever rocked a child in their arms.” - Susan Lordi

More Details: 

  • Figure of female seated in rocking chair, holding toddler. Female, toddler and chair covered by large denim blue stitched quilt
  • Not a toy or children's product. Intended for adults only.
  • Material: Resin, hand painted
  • Dimensions: 5.5"H x 3"W x 4.3"D / 14cm H x 7.5cm W x 11cm D
  • Packaging box includes enclosure card for gift-giving
  • Dust with soft cloth or soft brush. Avoid water or cleaning solvents

Item Code: 26250

This item can be re-ordered, please contact us on (02) 9529 2512