Lemax Norman Rockwell Collection
Lemax has partnered with the Norman Rockwell Museum to bring you an exclusive once-in-a-lifetime representation of the famous painting "Home For Christmas" by the American painter and illustrator Norman Rockwell. These unique lighted buildings will add warmth and charm, creating an amazing and unique nostalgic feeling for your Holiday Village.

When Norman Rockwell moved to Stockbridge in 1953, he worked in a studio located in the center of town, above the Stockbridge Shop. He put a Christmas tree in a window to mark the space where he used to work before moving to the South Street.
Norman Rockwell's painting Home for Christmas (Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas) has come to symbolize Christmas in America, just as Rockwell intended in 1967. Rockwell wanted the editors at McCall's to identify it as Stockbridge in the text, and they did. Norman Rockwell takes you on a Christmas Eve walk along Stockbridge's Main Street, past the public library, the antiques and gift shops, the old town office, and by the rambling Victorian hotel, beyond which is Rockwell's own studio. McCall's reached out to its national audience by adding, "Wherever you happen to hail from-city, suburb, farm or ranch-we hope you will have, for a moment, the feeling of coming home for Christmas."